This online page acts as an alternative sketchbook, a public journal and the public face of our current research activities. In the same way as a physical sketchbook/notebook, it’s quite possible that this space may not always make complete sense to the people who look at it, but we (LOW PROFILE) will continue to attempt to articulate refine, and make clear the ‘workings out’ that will take place here.

The purpose of this sketchbook is to present, map and make public our current research project, which we are referring to as ‘BUILD YOUR OWN’ (BYO).

Often the ‘stuff’ we will present here, on this sketchbook page will consist of small ideas, notes, texts or visual fragments. Although small, these ‘things’ will still be carefully considered, selected and attended to. It is our hope that by exploring the range of material we present here, viewers will start to build an understanding of, and interest in, our particular approach, concerns and research.